A masterpiece with throw-away wooden pieces

3 min readNov 5, 2023

There are millions of ways to use the leftover or broken wood pieces. At times even the uneven and torn out pieces work wonders. All you would need is a creative mind and skilled hands. It could be a wooden planter, a name plate extension, a bird feeder for the backyard or a wonderful pillar for a grand corner look.

Basic Requirements

Love for artwork and Basic tools of carpentry

Tape measure, Power saws or Hand saws (Power saws work great), Framing square, Drill machine, Sander (for the quick smoothing of wood), Dark pencils, Ruler, and a Notebook for keeping track of the measurements. Primer and Wood paints can be of your choice once you are done with the structure.

Envisioning — Visualizers

Arrange the available wood pieces to visualize the best thing that you can make with the available shapes and sizes ensuring maximum usability.

We had rectangular shaped woods, squares, thin framed structures, and more. The best of all we had was a thirty-five inches long uncut wood that inspired us to aim for a “partitioning pillar”. Considering the measurements and using every inch of wood count, we planned for a half partition for our living corner.

Designing — Sketching

Ensure that you have a free hand drawing with high level measurements in place. It’s always good to have a high-level design to start with. Spend some time with the wood pieces and categorize the wood with respect to its sizes or the design blocks in mind.

Wooden classification

Execution — Strong hands

Start with the easy blocks first to get the first level of confidence. We started with the pillar base first as we had loads of small pieces to put together to ensure a strong foundation.

Getting them all together — The Bindings

We then worked towards the vertical structure of the pillars and created two identical shaped hollow structures. Measuring all sides and ensuring that the top and bottom blocks of the pillars are steady is critical in a pillar design. Sanding the wood before the actual make is always good.

Raw pillar boosts confidence
Raw pillar boosts confidence

Brushes and Smiles

Using a primer is the best thing to do before you paint your creation with your favorite colors. Warm colors look great; however, the bright ones also look amazing. Ensure that the chosen colors match the theme of the place. The joy of creation is way beyond imagination.

My beautiful piece of décor and a see-through half partition




With a passion for shaping creative imaginations, beautiful artworks never fail to capture my attention. I love to write about things that inspire.